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How to cancel a weekly reservation

Learn how to cancel a reservation. It's easy!

John Aitchison avatar
Written by John Aitchison
Updated over a month ago

Make a mistake with your reservation? No problem! You can easily cancel the entire reservation. Note that this will cancel all of the lessons in the reservation which are coming up more than 24 hours from now.

Video Explanation

Step By Step

  1. As a courtesy, please let your teacher know you're canceling your reservation; this helps them plan their own schedule accordingly

  2. From the main Lessons page, click on "My Full Schedule"

  3. Under the "My Reservations" section, click where it says "Click here to see your reservation details"

  4. Click and confirm your cancelation

  5. It can take up to 10 minutes for our system to cancel your entire reservation. So please wait a bit!

  6. Confirm 100% that your reservation has been canceled. The best way to do this is to again go to the "My Full Schedule" page and check your upcoming, scheduled lessons.

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